Friday, 6 July 2012

part time job -Best perk ever

I've got a new part time job which need me to visit an area just above the east-west highway (site located less than 10 km to Pergau dam. The consultant company and the university (which I'll be continuing my study in near future) had attach some device at the slope on the hill just above the highway in order to detect any land movement. My job is to take the reading.

I had to measure the distance between this poles

The view on the top of tunnel

Crested serpent Eagle - There are Black Eagle and Crested Honey Buzzard too seen at this site. Hopefully more to be seen in my next visit

My motorbike does not betray me for this long journey (450km return).

Well, I'll come to this site once in a two week (I only wish that I can came more frequent and got some place to stay)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could be a dream job working on the East West Hiway - but look out for those orang besar (elephants)
when on your bike.
Choo Eng.